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Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The text has not been published anywhere yet and is not being submitted in another journal.
  • The text has been saved in Microsoft Word format in accordance with the template on the website Forms and Templates.
  • All figures and tables are placed in the text in the appropriate places (not at the end).
  • The bibliography has been formatted in accordance with the journal guidelines. If available, the digital object identifier (DOI) was included.
  • Authors should include the title page of the article as a separate file (Title Page File - The email addresses provided on the title page of the article should be institutional email addresses that can be verified by academic institutions. Please refrain from using email addresses from free email providers such as Gmail, Hotmail, etc.


1. Thematic scope of the journal includes the following areas: production engineering, service engineering, engineering management, logistics management, technology management, technology assessment, strategic foresight and industrial marketing.

2. Articles shall be sent to the editorial board by electronic system (as doc/docx files), in compliance with the official form published on the website of the journal (file: Article template). The references cited have to be in alphabetical order, unnumbered according to APA style.

3. Submitted manuscripts shall be written in English.

4. Submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed. A manuscript must obtain two positive reviews by independent experts before being accepted for publication.

5. Thematic Editor proposes the candidate for the reviewer and, if necessary, verifies authors’ compliance with the conditions stated in the Review and approves or disapproves the manuscript for printing.

6. Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published previously and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors of a submitted manuscript must sign a declaration confirming that (file: Confirmation file).

7. It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or license the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to Bialystok University of Technology.

8. Only persons that have made a contribution to the contents of a submitted manuscript may be considered its authors. Attributing a manuscript to persons that have made no (or very little) input to the submitted manuscript is unacceptable. Authors must provide the statement on each co-author’s percentage contribution to the submitted manuscript (file: Contribution file).

9. Financial and in-kind contributions to the creation of a submitted manuscript must be acknowledged.

10. Any form of scientific fraud and the infringement of intellectual property rights will be disclosed.

11. The final decision on the publication of a manuscript is taken by the Editor-in-Chief.

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