Peer Review Policy

  1. Submitted manuscripts are scrutinized by the Editorial Team with regards to their relevance to the aims and scope of the EMPAS journal.
  2. Manuscripts that pass the screening by the Editorial Team are double-blind peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. A manuscript must obtain two positive reviews by independent experts before being accepted for publication.
  3. Thematic Editors propose a candidates for the reviewers of a submitted manuscript.
  4. Reviewers evaluate the manuscripts taking into account the following questions: Is the topic of the manuscript relevant, timely, and of interest to the audience of this journal? Does the manuscript report original research? Is the research methodology and treatment for the study appropriate and applied Does the title of the article accurately reflect its content? Does the introduction state the objectives of the manuscript? Is the paper clearly and concisely written and well organized? Does the manuscript contain sufficient and appropriate references? Are tables and figures appropriate and adequate? Does the abstract of article satisfactorily show the aims, methods and result of the article? Does the conclusion clearly summarize the main results and contributions of the manuscript?
  5. Reviewers are requested to justify their judgement in writing.
  6. Thematic Editors verify authors’ compliance with the remarks stated in the reviews and approve or disapprove the manuscript for publication.
  7. The final decision on the publication of a manuscript is taken by the Editor-in-Chief.
  8. Published papers are characterized by two dates: "received" and "accepted".
  9. A list of reviewers who have reviewed the works submitted for publication in a given year is published in the last issue of the journal. The list of reviewers is also published on the journal’s website.