Accessibility declaration

The accessibility of the

Bialystok University of Technology undertakes to ensure the accessibility of the website pursuant to the Polish Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. This accessibility statement applies to the website.

Website’s publication date: 2024-01-10.

Last major update: 2024-01-10.

The website is compliant with the Act on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.

This statement was issued on 2024-01-10. The declaration is based on self-assessment.

The declaration has recently been reviewed and was updated on: 2025-03-15.

You can use standard keyboard shortcuts on the website.

Feedback and contact details

In case of problems with the website accessibility please email the person responsible for issues related to the accessibility of the website, Mr Tomasz Jastrzebski, at or phone (+48) 501 032 551. Using the same contact details, you can request unavailable information or complain about lack of accessibility.

Everybody has the right to request the accessibility of a website, mobile application, or any element thereof. You may also request information in alternative forms, for example reading a digitally inaccessible document or describing the content of a film without audio transcription. The request should include the name of the person making the request, information on which website or mobile application it is about, and the way the person making the request can be contacted. If the person requests information in an alternative form, they should also specify the form of the information.

Public entities should comply with such requests immediately (no later than within 7 days). If meeting this deadline is not possible, public entities shall immediately inform when it will be possible to comply with the requests (this deadline shall not be longer than 2 months). If it is not possible to ensure accessibility, public entities may propose alternative ways to access the information.

If an entity refuses to comply with a request for accessibility or alternative access to information, you can make a complaint against such action.

If you have used all appeal possibilities, you may lodge a complaint with the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights.

Architectural accessibility

Details of the architectural accessibility of the Bialystok University of Technology buildings.